
200 Common Core Videos Aligned To The Upcoming PARCC Standards

The Education system in the U.S. is receiving a "tune-up" in regard to its evaluation system. Common Core and PARCC standards are allowing states to align their curricula and incorporate the principles of standards-based education. While these new standards may seem daunting to pre-service teachers, it's important to remember that the change is necessary to stay competitive in a global economy. To aid in your understanding of these new standards, I have linked several websites that provide information on how to incorporate these standards into your future classroom.                            


Council of Chief State School Officers

SouthEast Comprehensive Center


  Photo by AMBRO


Google Sites Tips and Tricks


If you need a quick, easy, and free website, look no further than Google Sites. This website creation program from Google provides a straightforward approach to website creation. There is no software to download, and teachers can update their websites from anywhere as long as they have access to the Internet. You will find screencasts that walk you though the basics of setting up a Google site underneath EDUCATIONAL SCREENCAST





Photo by: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot


MECA Augment your student’s reality: Implementing augmented reality into your curriculum

Thanks for attending the session! I hope you found it enjoyable and informative. Augmented reality may change the way we deliver and consume information. I hope my examples were relevant, and I would love to know how you will use augmented reality in your classroom. Below you will find a link to the session's handout. You will also find links to some of my favorite augmented reality websites. 

Augmented Reality Links:

ARSights                      Marker

Chemistry review           Marker

ZooBurst                      Marker          


GE ecomagination          Marker 

SciMorph                      Marker          


Augmented Reality Symphony YouTube 


                                                                                                                 Image: Kangshutters / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


MECA 40 Affordable, Free & Effective Tech Tools for Education

Thank you for attending the session! Below you will find a copy of the session's handout. I encourage you to download it and share it with as many teachers as possible. You will also find a quick link that will connect you to all of the websites that we discussed during the session. I hope you found the session informative and useful. I look forward to seeing you next year! Click the picture to download the handout, or click the link below. 

TETC Handout

A quick link to the sites from the session:





Image: Master Isolated Images / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC)

Thank you for coming to our session. I hope you found the information beneficial and applicable to your classroom. Below you will find a link to the handout that we distributed in the session. Please feel free to download as many copies as you want, and distribute it to all of your fellow teachers. As you and I both know, the more information that is shared, the better we become as teachers. 

GaETC Handout

A quick link to the sites from the session:  fur.ly/0/ttutech 



Image: nuttakit / FreeDigitalPhotos.net